Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yuuki Stand in the Rain

*_* I <3 vampire knight! this amv took me a while. i uploaded it to youtube a while back, but it still hasn't gotten many views....

Monday, August 23, 2010

Vampires: Prologue

This is a story i wrote a year and a half ago. This is the prologue to the book. It is a 100% Original Story by me. Tell me what you think of the intro! ^_^


A full moon hung in a beautiful star-filled sky, a black ocean studded with silvery starfish shining to cleanse the night of its dark intent. It didn't look beautiful to Sosuke or Claire. There was too much out there to make them realize what a beautiful night it was. Dew glistened off every plant. Magic seemed to cloud the air with a feeling of weightlessness. But it was also clouded with battle and hatred.
Claire, the queen of vampires, stood over an infant. She looked like a child elf. Her husband, Sosuke, stood looking out over the village. Their red eyes sparkled as the full moon light crawled through the safest room in the castle. The nursery.
Outside a glittering water fall cascaded into a deep pool. Vampires of every shape and size stepped down into its shimmering depths. They swam deep into the safe haven of the underwater air-pocketed cave.
“We should be heading there as well...” Sosuke said as he turned away from the window.
“As soon as Myst stops crying. She'll be such a beautiful girl when she gets older. Don't you think, so?” Claire said as she picked up the infant and held her close to her heart.
Alright, just make sure the infant doesn't breathe until we reach the bottom of the water once we are in.” Sosuke added as he recalled his wings into his pale back.
Claire sat down Myst and did the same. She also removed her crown and sat is gingerly down on her pillow. “It can stay there until we return.”
“If we return. Our survival in this attack isn't one-hundred know? Myst might never the light of the sun tomorrow. If those stupid elves have anything to do with it anyway...” Sosuke mumbled to himself as he looked at himself in the mirror. He looked mostly at the scars that played on his bare chest. He glanced at his unruly black hair before he let out a deep sigh.
“Die!” the work came from a female elf who now stood at their door with an already shot bow in her hands. The cord was still vibrating.
Sosuke let out a pained cry. Then stumbled backwards. He gripped the side. His other hand was too busy holding the gaping whole in his stomach where thick black blood slipped between his fingers. They were completely white. He looked like a ghost. His face was twisted in a grimace as he fell to his knees.
“Sosuke, no!” Claire shouted as she rushed to his side, barely able to see through the tears streaming out of her eyes. Her eyes darted to the elfin woman as she cradled Sosuke. “Monster! We did nothing to you! All you God-Forsaken elves are terrible! Leave here!”
Another elf walked in. His hair was brilliantly blond and thick. It was tousled, and it hung in his eyes. He was wearing baggy camouflage pants with a white tank top and different guns were strapped to his waist. “Shall I ace your King, Zoey?” He said as he held up a queen card. “You already took out the King.” He smiled as he held out the King Card and burned it between his fingers.
“Yeah, sure. Just stop playing with your cards and get it over with, Matt.” Zoey told him as she gestured towards him.
Fear shot through Claire. What if they killed the infant? Or her son. She felt her heart tug as she thought of them. Her words to Sosuke rebounded through her head.
“Goo!” the infant, Myst, smiled at the mobile above her head.
“Your one of those vampires who stole children from Earth! How dare you!” Matt shouted as she shot his hand gun. The shock of the slight magic drain from the bullet sent a hum through his limbs.
“Claire!” Sosuke stumbled. Blood dripped, thick and dark as night, down his lips.
“Sosuke, no! You mustn't die!” Pain slipped over her as quick as the wind as she fell to the ground next to him. “You have to protect, him. You have to-! Gah!”
“Matt! Grab the infant. We have to go!” Zoey hissed as she put her bow back up.
Matt slammed his foot down on Sosuke's head. “What's the child's name! Tell me!”
“Myst...” he pushed out as more blood curled out of him. He cringed when Matt moved his foot.
“Good,” Matt said as he ran to her side and out the door.
Claire put her hands on Sosuke's chest. His breathing was shaking and irregular. “Please,” Tears streamed her doll-like face as she licked at his wound.
“Take my heart essence. Put it in the crystal,” he stumbled as he coughed out bile, spit, and blood. His skin was sheet white and his eyes were getting dark. His whole body shook with the pain.
She nodded. She put a cold hand to Sosuke's bare chest and mumbled something inaudible. A green sphere just smaller then the crystal ball was pulled out of him. She whispered a few of the ancient words of life. It fused inside of the hollow crystal shell. Its hummed with life.
“May one day this reach Myst so she can meet you, Sosuke. Let her know her past.” Claire said as she breathed her last breath. It came out smooth and calm. Like a sigh. “Zero. Be safe. Guard your sister with your life.”
Soft pink light arose from her own chest and flew to the sky. The brightest one. Hundreds of globes of light filled the sky. High enough they looked like large multi-colored stars in the midnight sky.
Their world erupted in fire. Screams echoed as their makers life was put out forever.
On Earth after the invasion, Zoey and Matt walked out of the orphanage, back to the hover car that would take them back to Vampire Hunter's Head Quarters. “I can't believe we found two little elfin children. Captured, and Myst wasn't even a week old. Rhys was about six months, though. They should never have been able to steal those two.” Zoey cursed as she punched the hood of the car.
“You're right, of coarse. But that's no reason to kill my poor car!” Matt sighed. “They probably thought they could get a good snack that they could lock up and come back to whenever they wanted.

14 years later.......

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Am Riku!!! A Riku AMV by me: DigiDestiny14 on YouTube

I saw a Lync Volan amv with this song and fell in love with it~! Then i started getting more into kingdom hearts and i thought of riku! :D So I know what you are thinking..."oh great, a Bakugan fanatic..." But seriously. :P
I attempted to make riku and sora lip sync a bit and yes, it kinda sucks, but its my first try at it, so deal with it.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Meh, this isn't from anything. It's just my boredom being expressed onto the blank page of my sketch book. ^-^ She's really pretty, though. Maybe I'll add her to one of my stories...That'd be cool. But which one....I have plenty. I could add her to my manga in progress! Slow progress, but progress! ^_^

Myst and Renji

This is from one of my finished stories. Well, mostly finished. Book One is finished. Just not two or three. I have them all planned out. The First is called Vampires. The Second, Guardian. And the Third, and the final installment of the Myst Trilogy, is Royal. God I love these books. The first one anyway, since that's all I currently have done. I have writer's block. The most deadly sickness any writer could get. But I've had it for months! What can I do? If this keeps going on like this, I'll never finish! Gaaah!

-But this picture is so beautiful. It depicts Renji and Myst's love for each other, even if that dress is kind of a spoiler. ^^ Oh well~!

Diamond Hearts

This is a picture from one of my unfinished stories called Diamond Hearts. Yes, the title sounds kinda off, but there is a meaning to it. I swear. You'll figure it out if I ever finish the darn thing. Then you guys can read it! ^^ I'll post some of the chapters on the blog. Just a few of the first. Not the whole thing. That you just be a waste. There are only a few, but I saw part of it in a dream. Which, granted, sounds like Twilight. -3- But, what can I do?